Posted Friday, August 8, 2003
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I knew Gary because of his work on Latin America initially. Later it would be because of Central America. Gary spent a few years living in Boston in the early 1990's. He was a resource to the Boston Religious Task Force on Central America when the BRTFCA was engaged in the Kairos process. When he went to San Antonio because of his need to be in a milder climate, I felt that it was a great loss for us not to have him physically present to us. I kept in touch with him off and on over these last years and am very, very sad that he is no longer walking the earth with us. But, I do know that his spirit will live on in those who continue to struggle to bring justice to the poor and marginalized in our world society. Gary MacEoin, PRESENTE!
Jeanne Gallo
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I was working with the Agência Ecumênica de Notícias in São Paulo when I first met Gary, and am now based in Dublin, editing Healing & Development, for the Medical Missionaries of Mary. I have posted my memories of Gary on the MMM website. The following link should take you there.
My Memories of Gary MacEoin
Isabelle Smyth
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El 3 de agosto es una fecha significativa en mi vida. Recordaré otro aniversario de mi secuestro en Argentina, en 1976, a manos de grupos paramilitares. En aquella oportunidad muchos amigos de Gary se movilizaron en Washington para salvar mi vida y la de mi comunidad.
Lo conocí personalmente muchos años después, aquí en La Habana, adonde llegó para realizar diversas entrevistas. Entre los nombres y direcciones que traía estaba la mía, ofrecida por aquellos amigos comunes.
Para mí fue como encontrarlos a ellos mismos: la misma fuerza, las mismas utopías, los mismos sueños, el mismo compromiso, y una lucha que no se debilitó con el tiempo.
Pude compartir algunas de sus experiencias, su sabiduría, su conocimiento de esta realidad cubana tan compleja, y su ojo crítico con la iglesia jerárquica. También su enorme simpatía, agudeza y lucidez.
El 3 de agosto estaré trabajando aquí con un grupo de 45 líderes cristianos jóvenes, en un curso de lectura popular de la Biblia que comenzamos hace días. No conocieron a Gary, pero me encargaré de compartir con ellos lo que sé de él. Encenderemos una vela, que se unirá a la de ustedes, y a otras muchas en diversos lugares del mundo.
Alejandro Dausá
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My memories of Gary include food...mostly.
Gary gave me hospitality upon my return to San Antonio one summer. He shared his favorite Irish oatmeal and fresh strawberries dipped in sugar. He also shared a story about his travels through remote villages in Mexico. The bus he had been riding broke down along the way. He and the other bus travelers waited for hours. Sitting next to him by the dusty road, was a young family. The couple shared their lunch, which Gary described as the tastiest food he's ever had. It was a corn tortilla folded over salt.
And once, in a home mass many Sundays ago, someone prayed for their Indian friends. When it was Gary's turn, Gary prayed that his Indian friends would pray for him. We are Gary. Paz hermano,
Lily Rodulfo
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Gary was the only true Renaissance-Man I've met in San Antonio. Already I miss knowing his house on the South Side of San Antonio is open for visitors every Saturday night.
Marsha Huie
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Wonderful things can be said about Gary, his achievements, his history, his family but I want to put on record his love and loyalty to me - his cousin. I am almost the same age as Gary. We grew up together and our relationship was of deep appreciation and friendship. He always came to stay with me when in Europe. I pride myself that he called me his favourite cousin. Of him I can say he was a loyal, true, trusting and loving friend and cousin. What more can I say. I loved his gentle wife, Jo and always lamented that his son, Don, lived so far away. I will be with all who remember him on 3rd August. My love and sympathy go to Don and his family and I thank God for Gary's life which is lived in total fulfilment now, with His God.
Maura Huddle